Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Day of Whimsy

Wunderlich, a San Mateo County Park. Sounds downright fascinating, doesn't it? Well, wunderlich is German for whimsical and I let my imagination run wild in this park. Everything was mossy and vibrantly green from all the recent moisture and I imagined I was walking through the Shire, and that a hobbit would emerge at any moment from a hidden doorway in a tree, kind of like me!

They have stables here for horses that I'd be pleased to live in. The stables, not the horses. "Where do you live?" "Oh, in horse condos." "Really? That's nasty." "No, in Woodside." "Ohhhhhh, damn, girl, you must have some serious cash!" An imaginary conversation I had with myself in the land of whimsy. Also, check out the lovely nod to Chinese labor that they gave in such poetic fashion. I'm sure that makes up for all their misery. You can see the wall lining the road in the photo to the right. 


I have no idea what this dilapidated building is about, but it virtually begged for a photo, so I obliged. Fortunately no orcs emerged ready for battle.

Here I am , consoling a fallen tree in my path --- OR --- gloating that I felled a tree with my bare hands? You decide. 

Along the way, I enjoyed the work of a spider caught between two limbs and catching the rays of the sun in sparkling splendor...

...and the potentially dangerous, potentially enjoyable fungi along the way - I chose to merely enjoy the view unenhanced by its psychedelic potentiality. I so did NOT take that nibble on the left side... 

And the day ended with a majestic pink sunset! 

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