Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Ladies Who Lunch

Today the celebration of Rachelle's birthday week got into full swing. The state of California parks system stomped all over my plans to see elephant seals today *shakes fist at the sky* so we decided to step outside of the ordinary day of hiking to lunch and catch a film. We began with lunch at Scratch in Mountain View. 

This is a house made lemonade with fresh squeezed lemons and agave nectar. OMG, best lemonade I've ever tasted. Hands down.

 Then this ooey gooey plate of mouth-wateringly delicious grilled cheese for grown-ups arrived.

I'm still reveling in the fact that all bathrooms have seats on their toilets (after 9 months of maybe you'll get one if you're really, really lucky in Mexico) but this bathroom had lovely orchids too. Ambience in the bathroom scores points with the ladies, you know. 

Then we headed to the theater to see Les Miserables. Nothing to photograph there but here are some lovely sights from the center of town.

I have tickets for the seals tomorrow so I shouldn't have my plans ruined again! However, if they are, someone is going to pay dearly...

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