Saturday, January 5, 2013

How do I top 2013?

I spent nine months in Mexico in 2012. At some point I will do some blog posts to showcase some of those photos and tell about the many adventures I had while there. I truly can say that my life has been changed irrevocably for the better as a result of my experiences. Well, now it's 2013. After spending all that time living in another country, how am I going to top that?

Life brought me back to California, but there are more places that I simply must visit! This year I plan to add a pin to three more countries. I'm not sure how it will happen yet, but I firmly believe that if we have a dream, we can achieve that dream.

First on the list is China. There is a photo just waiting to be taken of me on the very edge of the Great Wall of China where it meets the Pacific Ocean. The following are NOT my photos, though I promise to have some of my own before the year is out.

This year I already have a trip to Peru planned. Macchu Picchu beckons - and so does this llama!

The last travel experience to a land far, far away for 2013, at least that's on my list so far, is Istanbul, Turkey.

I honestly have no idea how I'm going to accomplish all of this, but I have faith that it will be done. 

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